Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aug. 12,2008

this night...i have no class..kasi,,busy si sir, nag bigay lang siya ng exercises..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

AUG 6, 2008

The AUG 6, have no class because the competation about the proctice the master of typing. and then sir, john is to give the project.

AUG 8, 2008

my reaction paper that you are student your most important responsibility is to develop yourself. to the best of your aspects of your life as you study. because during the exam you should be honest and truthful and to your classmate, professors and your neighbor.
this night are the reporting in our group 2. my reporting about the windows XP in how to words of the idea in the features of windows in higher minimum of the windows XP. this time are the finish my report of the group 2 to the windows XP.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008

the first subject is a operating the new create to join the second the connect of the sigh of the accouts of operate the dushboard and blooger.